István Mészáros: Magyar Paedagogia - Magyar Pedagógia 1892-1992 The journal "Magyar Paedagogia" was founded in 1892 by the Hungarian Pedagogical Society. It was their official organ, aimed publishing the results of educational research carried out in different fields, as well as coordinating and inspiring scholars of pedagogy. The first essays published in the journal reflected the traditional thoughts and approaches of the late 19th century. After the turn of the century, the representatives of reformist pedagogical trends appeared in the journal. In the 1920s and 1930s the editors made the first move towards publishing studies on children, child psychology, and the "New School". In 1947, the journal ceased publication. For half a century it had been a forum of balance and conciliation for eternal traditional pedagogical theories and reformist tendencies already confirmed. In 1961, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences restarted the journal under the name of "Magyar Pedagógia" in order to strengthen socialist pedagogy. Since the 1970s, topics covered by the journal have been extended. An increasing number of reviews and accounts by Western European and American authors have been introduced: research, educational experiments presenting new ways of thinking. Between 1961-92 "Magyar Pedagógia" like its predecessor "Magyar Paedagogia", was one of the most prominent national educational journals, a true mirror of the times when it was edited, written read and studied. |