Andrea Kárpáti : Theories, ideals and paradigms of Hungarian art education from its beginnings to the twentieth century The content and method of art education largely depends on the role model or professional paradigm of the teacher and educational decision maker. This paper proposes seven sets of basic pedagogical and aesthetic principles in the course of one and a half centuries of art education in Hungary: the „technocratic” paradigm of the engineer, the „scientivic” paradigm of the pictor doctus, the „expressive” paradigm of the artist, the „nationalist” paradigm of the patriot, the „social realist” paradigm of the party bureaucrat, the „naturalist” paradigm of the artist and the „communication” paradigm of the visual expert. Through the analysis of curricula, textbooks and educational manifests we outline the developmental process of teaching visual arts in Hungary from the education for draughtsmanship through the training in visual communication and environmental aesthetics. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 93. Number 1-2. 19-35. (1993) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Kárpáti Andrea, ELTE BTK Neveléstu¬dományi Tanszék, H–1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19–21. |