Emil Gaul : A subject in labour – fifty years of Hungarian work education The study makes a general survey of the situation of work education in the period after the Second World War, through analysing primary school curricula (classes 1-8), which is completed by demonstrating the changes in school practice, textbooks, teaching materials and aids, as well as teacher training. Outlining the social-cultural context promotes comprehension of the era, in which, despite political expectations, several positive changes took place in Hungarian work education. The summary makes clear that even nowadays there is no professional consensus either in the issue of the necessity of work education or in its possible frames. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 94. Number 1-2. 37-51. (1994) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Gaul Emil, Iparművészeti Főiskola Tanár¬képző Intézet, H–1027 Budapest, Henger u. 2 |