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Etele Kovács, Katalin Keresztesi, István Kovács and Judit Teleki Andrásné: A survey of P.E. teachers' assessment of their pre-service training

This study reports findings from the joint study of the Ministry of Education and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Semmelweis University, targeting P.E. teachers working in public education in 1999. The objective of the study was to survey the opinions of currently active P.E. teachers about the education and training they had received in the institutions where they earned their degrees. Previously there had been only scarce feedback from graduates to training institutions regarding this area, thus the restructuring and the modifications of training programs took place without a knowledge of the experiences of those subject to them. The study discusses the findings of the survey based on a questionnaire inquiring about preparation for the profession, the proportion of instruction related to branches of sport, the information provided in the different subject-modules, characteristics of the training in different sports, the teaching practicum, etc. The study also analyses the use teachers make of the motor skills learned as trainees and the frequency these occur in P.E. classes.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 100. Number 4. 499-520. (2000)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Kovács Etele, Keresztesi Katalin, Kovács István, Semmelweis Egyetem, Testnevelési és Sporttudományi Kar, H-1123, Budapest, Alkotás u. 44. Andrásné Teleki Judit, Oktatási Minisztérium, H-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 1.


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia