Gergő Mucsi, Villő Pethő & Márta Janurik: Mucsi Gergő, Pethő Villő és Janurik Márta This research examined the impacts of an intervention program which was developed by us to promote the rhythmic development of students in school music lessons. The areas of investigation were rhythm perception, rhythm reproduction and attitude towards school music lessons. The quasi-experimental study ran for a full school year, and included 90 grade 1 elementary school students in the experimental group and 128 grade 1 elementary school students in the control group. Rhythmic skills were measured with the help of a musical ability test, while students’ attitudes were measured with a questionnaire developed by us. Participants of the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher progress in rhythm perception and rhythm reproduction. Level of development relating to the consolidated indicator of rhythmic skills was significantly higher in the experimental group as well. Moreover, the rhythmic intervention program contributed to a significantly more positive attitude towards school music lessons among the participants of the experimental group. In addition, the experimental group demonstrated a more positive attitude towards rhythmic games and singing. Results suggest that our rhythmic intervention program offers favorable outcomes in music education by enhancing rhythmic skills and promoting a positive attitude towards school music lessons. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 121. Number 2. 101-135. (2021) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Mucsi Gergő, Pethő Villő és Janurik Márta, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bartók Béla Művészeti Kar, H–6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 79–81. |