Márta Janurik, Norbert Szabó & Krisztián Józsa: The characteristics of musical self-concept and its relationship with musical skill among 7TH grades The paper examines the components of musical self-concept as well as its associations from a broader perspective. Musical self-concept, a complex, multidimensional psychological construct was assessed with the help of MUSCI_youth (Musical Self-Concept Inquiry). The instrument measured 6 dimensions of musical self-concept with Likert-type scales. Musical skills were measured with musical aptitude tests, and we also used a background questionnaire to explore family variables. Participants were 145 students from grade 7. The Hungarian version of MUSCI_youth demonstrated good psychometric properties. The majority of the participants were found to have quite negative musical self-concept. This negative self-concept turned out to be unrealistic in many cases, and did not correspond with students’ musical skills. Musical self-concept and musical skills as measured with musical aptitude tests correlated moderately. Values mediated by the family, parents’ musical interests, instrumental play and singing at home were found to play an important role in students’ musical self-concept. Musical self-concept was also heavily impacted by students’ self-perceptions of their own singing and musical hearing. Furthermore, results highlighted the role of school music education in the development of musical self-concept. School music education reforms should primarily rely on methods and musical activities which are based on students’ musical experiences, and promote the development of musical skills as well as that of a realistic musical self-concept. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 120. Number 2. 171-200. (2020) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Janurik Márta, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bartók Béla Művészeti Kar, H–6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 79–81. |