Natasa Fizel: Cooperation or Integration?: Elements of Cooperative Efforts between Szeged’s State Teacher Training College and Franz Joseph University between 1928 and 1932 In this paper, I examine cooperative efforts between two institutions of higher education in Szeged, the State Teacher Training College and the Franz Joseph University, in the first five years of the College’s operation between 1928 and 1932. I focus on student mobility in particular. Having provided a historical context, I aim to find answers to the following questions: How much was it in the interests of the Franz Joseph University – operating in Szeged from 1921 – to establish the State Teacher Training College and to move it to Szeged? Can the State Teacher Training College be regarded as an independent institution? On what levels and to what extent did the two institutions cooperate in the period under examination? How was this cooperation manifested in student mobility? Who were the most popular professors among the College’s students? Drawing on previously unexplored archive sources from the National Archives of Hungary, the Csongrád County Archives and the archives of the University of Szeged, the paper reconstructs the complexity of cooperation between the institutions using a new approach. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 114. Number 4. 237-257. (2014) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Fizel Natasa, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Juhász Gyula Pedagógusképző Kar, H–6725 Szeged, Hattyas sor 10. |