Magdolna Lehmann, Réka Lugossy, Marianne Nikolov: An Evaluation of the First Two Academic Years of the MA in Tefl Programme at the University of Pécs This paper provides insights into the implementation of a new MA in TEFL programme by integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches to data analysis. The aim of the study was to get feedback from 44 in-service teachers on the content of the courses, to what extent they found them relevant, the content and assessment realistic and motivating, and in what ways they thought the programme contributed to the development to their teacher competences. Data were collected with the help of two questionnaires over four semesters. In the first part of the instrument respondents were asked to rate all courses they accomplished on a 1-4 scale along six evaluation criteria, whereas the second part comprised seven open-ended questions we expected short and sincere answers to about main milestones of the programme: the teaching practice, the portfolio and the qualifying exam. The main findings show that although participants found the majority of the courses motivating and relevant, in some domains courses failed to contribute to their professional development. Qualitative data analyses revealed a need for setting clearer evaluation criteria and integrating theory and practice more carefully in the courses. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 111. Number 4. 259-288. (2011) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Lehmann Magdolna, Lugossy Réka, Nikolov Marianne, PTE BTK Angol Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Tanszék, H–7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6. A épület, 2. 3. emelet |