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János Géczi : Hungarian educational press at the turn of the 19–20th century

The emergence of autonomous educational policy and nationalistic schooling in Hungary were taking place simultaneously with the development of education into a separate academic discipline. In the last decades of the 19th century, during the last phase of the scientific turn of education, the Hungarian educational press was gaining strength and developing its functions under international as well as Hungarian influences. Magyar Paedagógia, the first Hungarian scientific journal on education, preceded by a wide range of non-scientific publications in the field, appeared as a part of the institutionalization of educational science. For four years, the journal was governed by an academic, a classical philologist, who had extensive knowledge of every level of education, was experienced in public life as well as in teaching, and also had outstanding abilities regarding the representation of professional interests. The career of János Csengery is a prime example of the successful management of an ambitious human life, supported by the common benevolence of individuals, companies and officials. The well defined editorial intentions and the multiple expertise and erudition of the editor himself made it possible for Magyar Paedagogia to represent every level of education right from the start and soon to become the example of a scientific approach to education and its standards in Hungary. Here the disciplinarization and institutionalization of education, as well as the interpretation of the possible roles of the educational press had been completed by the end of the 19th century. Since the scope of educational periodicals was wide enough, the opportunity to reflect academic needs was given. Recognizing the important function of this press, both educational policy and academic interests supported Magyar Paedagógia and its editor.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 107. Number 1. 57-66. (2007)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Géczi János, Pannon Egyetem, Antropológia és Etika Tanszék, H–8200 Veszprém, Vár utca 38.


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia