Nándor Horánszky : Course program and curriculum Hundreds of definitions and interpretations of „curriculum” and „course program” are known in pedagogy. The term is different in each country. To some extent criteria are mingled in these definitions; on the other hand, they are not described in their entirety. The difference between the two document types is not always marked. This classification bears greater importance in Hungary now than decades ago because planning a course program of a new type opens new practical vistas. Beyond the compass of traditional course program, „curricu-lum” has got established. The author endeavours to seize this process on the basis of the definitions given in Hungarian and international (especially German) pedagogy; and with regard to the national situation, he gives the following statements. 1. The terms „course prog-ram” and „curriculum” cannot be categorically separated: „course program” bears the characteristics of „curriculum”, nevertheless their realization is different. 2. Historically, „curriculum” is based on „course program”, it grows from the latter, it develops into another quality, presuming a wide range connections with co-sciences. 3. The term „curriculum” can be derived from the departures from the traditional „course program”. 4. In the end, the author paraphrases „curriculum” in a narrow and wide sense, on the strength of analyses in pedagogy. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 92. Number 3. 193-214. (1992) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Horánszky Nándor, Országos Közokta¬tási Intézet Értékelési Központ, H–1051 Budapest, Dorottya u. 8. |