Hedvig Sallay and Ákos Münnich: Relations Between the Perception of Child Rearing Practices and Self-Development In this study we examined the link between the perception of parenting styles and self-development in adolescence. We assumed that an authoritative, caring relationship between parents and adolescents fosters the development of more articulated self-components and a more complex self. The sample consisted of 95 adolescents (mean age: 16.3 years). The data were obtained during classes in secondary schools. Subjects filled in the person perception versions of the Child Rearing Practices Report (Dekovic, Janssens and Gerris, 1991), the Parental Authority Questionnaire (Buri, 1991), as well as a newly developed questionnaire for assessing parenting styles based on Harvey’s theory (Sallay, 1999) separately for mothers and fathers. The structure of the self-concept was measured by the Twenty Statements Test („Who am I?”; Kuhn and McPartland, 1954). The results proved that the perception of maternal parenting is more complex than that of the father. A close relationship with the mother based on mutual trust and understanding enhances the development of more articulated self-components. The perception of paternal parenting emphasized more restriction. However, an authoritative parenting of the father may contribute to personality characteristics and capabilities gaining a central role in the self-concept, and this proves to be necessary for good academic achievement. Consequently, to study the development of the structure of self-concept warrants further study in the future. MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 99. Number 2. 157-174. (1999) Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Hedvig Sallay, Kossuth University, Institute of Psychology, H–4010 Debrecen 10. Pf. 28. |