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Katalin Kéri: Teachers in the Medieval Islamic World

The development of Europe in the Middle Ages was stimulated by contributions from ancient Greece, from eastern Christianity and from the Islamic world. The Arabs were mediators and carriers of culture between Asia, Africa and Europe. The Muslims found knowledge very important, and the Qur’an was the foundation stone of their education. In the course of time different types of teachers appeared in the Islamic world from Bagdad to Córdoba. This study describes the Muslim ideas on learning and wisdom. The author, while examining the primary and secondary sources of History of Muslim education, makes the attempt to demonstrate ateacher’s job, types of teachers, teaching position inmedieval the Islamic world and the essence of degree „iyaza”. This study gives a summary of foreing researches concerning this theme and points out the direction of Hungarian researches in the future.

MAGYAR PEDAGÓGIA 98. Number 1. 17-25. (1998)

Levelezési cím / Address for correspondence: Kéri Katalin, University Janus Pannonius, Department of Education, H – 7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6. E-mail:


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia